Thursday, June 25, 2015

To detox or not to detox?

This Thursdays blog is brought to you by a commonly asked question-usually straight after “How’s all that nutrition stuff going?” I get “So should I do a detox?”  This week I got asked this question slightly more specifically – “Should I do a liver detox?  So that’s what I thought we should focus in on this week.  So starting with the liver and its function in your body, understanding how it works and what it does, I’m hoping will help you answer the question yourself as to whether you should detox it or not.  After looking at the liver function though lets talk a bit about toxins (with special reference to alcohol) and detoxing.  That way you have both sides of the story and can make a more informed decision regarding detox (or not as the case may be) that will work for you.


  • The liver is the largest internal organ in your body 
  • It forms a major part of the digestive system 
  • 3 main liver functions are:
  1. To get rid of toxins
  2. To regulate your blood sugar
  3. To produce bile to break down fats

  • The liver holds 2 main groups of cells that do separate jobs, we will focus on: Hepatic cells – these carry out more chemical processes than any other cells in your body.  Basically they convert the nutrients from the foods you consume into forms the cells in your body can use.  For example they convert sugars and store/release them as needed so regulate your blood sugar level plus they break down fats and release cholesterol.  They also detoxify drugs and alcohol, among other toxins we consume, plus they produce bile, which in turn, breaks down fats in the foods we eat

I want to keep you with me here and remember we are aiming to talk about detoxing, so won’t go too far further into the science of the liver function – from those basics you can see though that is an extremely important organ in your body and therefore probably why people are so concerned with keeping it healthy. 

If the liver fails, the human body can usually only survive 24hrs or less – again this emphasises how important the organ is for us and why we need to keep it working well.


As you can see already then, the liver does a lot – therefore the effects of liver damage, disease, cancer or cirrhosis can impact on a lot of our major body processes, 3 main effects of liver damage (this list is not exhaustive, there are many other issues we can experience when our livers are not functioning optimally, but):
1)   Blood sugars would not be regulated, glucose not stored correctly leading to fatigue, and/or diabetes. 
2)   Fats/cholesterol would not be monitored and transferred as appropriate, so levels of “bad” or LDL cholesterol may increase impacting other body systems and functions too when getting into the blood stream.
3)   Drugs, alcohol and other toxins consumed would not be broken down and passed through the body appropriately – Storing toxins in the liver or the liver releasing them without them being properly processed can lead to all sorts of problems as I’m sure you can imagine!


Chronic alcohol consumption or alcohol misuse is often associated with impaired nutritional status.  That can be due to a “bad diet” but also due to the liver having to spend more of its effort detoxing the alcohol, therefore having less time to convert and absorb the nutrients it should be getting from foods. 

Alcohol therefore impairs your choice to eat well and your bodies function for nutrient absorption of what you do eat – leading to – malnutrition.

Alcohol has also been shown to react to prohibit absorption of certain nutrients too. 

It’s a 3 prong attack and too much alcohol and the liver simply cannot cope.  “Too much” is usually consuming a moderate to large amount of alcohol over a long time period – the liver will be processing and detoxifying a bit more than natural every day until it really wears out. 

  • As we already know the liver is pretty much acting as a clearing house or filter, recognising millions of potential harmful chemicals and transforming them into something harmless we can then use, or preparing them for elimination.
  • It does this by sticking other things to the harmful toxins – ie disarming them or converting/moderating them in some way.  This process is called conjugation. 
  • There are 4 forms of conjugation - you don’t really need to know these, but be aware each form requires an adequate supply of nutrients fundamental to them working.  Remember also that no nutrient works in isolation. 
  • It therefore follows that for optimum detoxification we should ensure we are consuming enough antioxidant rich foods.


Antioxidant foods (specific to the liver) include –

  • Onions and Garlic 
  • Artichokes 
  • Watercress and Rocket 
  • plus Cruciferous veg – ie Broccoli, Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Kale, Raddish, plus Berries, Nuts and Seeds. 
  • Also gluten free grains such as brown rice, or oats can be added to an antioxidant rich diet.

It’s also suggested – to keep a healthy liver -

  • You maintain a healthy body weight 
  • Enjoy moderate physical activity

  • Consume “toxins” in your foods sparingly (eg cut down on sugary drinks, fatty foods etc) 
  • Eat more unprocessed (less toxic) foods ie – fruits and vegetables as recognised above 
  • Cut down on eating red meats, processed meats, fatty meats 
  • Limit your caffeine and especially alcohol consumption 
Drink at least 2 litres of water daily

Health experts through the years have highlighted the value of a detox in the same way as we would take a break from work – a holiday – we should take a break from our regular diet – a detox – usually through fasting once or twice a year.

As this is not practical for many and increasingly we can see results that are anything but good from this fasting method, “detox diets” have become more and more popular.  This is probably due to their impact on weight loss too rather than their detoxing properties.  

Most detox diets suggest a combination of juices (fruit and veg), higher water consumption, lower calorie consumption – ie they suggest eating fruits and veggies and not much else.  This may in fact help you lose weight and feel fresher, lighter or more energised to start with, however over time you will become hungry, and tired, irritable, and soon – malnourished.  

Detox diets have therefore been proven to add to yoyo dieting regimes of those on a weight loss mission, rather than to aid the detoxification process of the liver.

We would suggest then that prevention is always better than cure.  If you are basically healthy and want to maintain optimal liver function my best advice would be to nourish the liver and nourish the whole body by reducing your intake of toxic substances.  You should do this while following a healthy eating plan, not a limitation diet that you cannot maintain.  If you feel you need a kick start, add some extra nourishment in the form of the fruits and veggies as already talked about rather than limiting your intake of other nutrients such as carbohydrate, fat, or fibre.

There is a lot to be said for a balanced and varied diet, moderate activity or exercise, drinking sufficient water every day and limiting your intake of toxins – that’s just the way it is and there is no getting round it, unfortunately, we see no shortcuts if you want a healthy liver function. 

Let me know what you think, or any detox diets you’ve tried. You can email, tweet us @nononsensenita or like us and leave a comment on facebook

As always you can find out more via, email for further details, or for consultation, workshop details and clinics.

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And so you don’t miss a thing follow this blog at

Take a look over on the NHS Livewell site too – start here to read more about liver disease:

**If you are of ill health, pregnant or a child under 16yrs, please be advised any detox guidelines may differ**
**Please remember this is nutritional advice ONLY (as is all other information and advice contained in this blog and the websites and social media related to it) – none of the info or advice is intended to override any recommendation from your GP or health professional**

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Hydration - Part 2

Last week we gave you lots of ideas on HOW to hydrate – different ways to drink your daily recommended amount of H20, I hope you’ve taken those ideas on board and are getting closer to consuming your 6-8 glasses of water a day!

This week then, just in case you’re not quite there yet, we are looking into WHY (rather than how) we need to drink water and stay hydrated. 

  • To start with – there are 7 essential nutrients our bodies require to function at their best.  6 of the most commonly recognised are: Proteins, Fats, Carbs, Fiber, Vitamins and Minerals.  The magic 7th = WATER
  • Water makes up between 50-75% of our bodyweight
  • You can live for days – even weeks – without food, but not much longer than a day without water – it really is a hugely overlooked essential! 
  • Water works in our bodies like oil in a car – for example:  if fuel = food, providing the energy, oil = water, helping everything work properly 
  • Muscle holds more water than fat 
  • Younger bodies hold more water than older (probably due to higher muscle mass) 
  • Recent studies show 1 in 4 people don’t drink enough!

In no particular order then, these are some of the main functions of water in our bodies (and why we need to keep well hydrated): 

1)   Water aids digestion, dissolving nutrients and moving everything along the digestive system
2)   Water lubricates our joints and organs
3)   Water helps build and repair the body
4)   Water regulates our temperature
5)   Water transports oxygen from our blood into our cells
6)   Water aids the kidney function
7)   Water removes toxins and waste products via urine / excretion
8)   Water metabolises nutrients efficiently

Dehydration therefore can lead to the following:

1)   Headaches
2)   Reduced energy / fatigue
3)   Constipation
4)   Delayed reaction times
5)   Irritability
6)   Impaired coordination
7)   Mental confusion
8)   Nausea / dizziness
9)   Low blood pressure
Chronic dehydration can lead to:  Kidney Stones, UTI’s, Bowel and/or Bladder Cancers, Stroke and eventually Death

  • Our bodies are very good at regulating our water balance.  We “store” water in the same way a sink without a plug does – ie we need to keep topping it up as it keeps draining away 
  • The draining is a good thing however, as helps in eliminating the bodies waste products via urination, defecation, sweating and even breathing out 
  • If we retain water it can be a sign of hormonal change (especially in women), or more worryingly perhaps a sign of live or kidney disease

General Fluid Requirements:

Last week we quoted the UK recommended average of 2 litres / 8 glasses per day, however let’s remember realistically everyone’s fluid requirements differ, based on individual energy requirements, which in turn are based on your age, weight and activity levels, plus environmental factors such as temperature (hence this 2 part blog as summer approaches and the humidity rises).

So a more realistic requirement per person equates to: 
1ml water for every kcal burned

eg: a reasonably active, average height and weight male will burn approx. 2,500 kcals per day, therefore requiring 2.5 litres of water per day, whereas an athlete in training may burn 7000 calories daily and require up to 7 litres of water!

We realise there are many reasons you may not get this required amount however. The body can become dehydrated, perhaps via heavy sweating, diarrhoea, vomiting or alcohol abuse – also untreated/undiagnosed diabetic patients can suffer from a constant thirst.  As we mentioned earlier however the body is very good at regulating fluid balance and it does so though the action of electrolytes (made up mainly of sodium, potassium and chloride).  Electrolytes can also be lost via heavy sweating, diarrhoea, vomiting and alcohol abuse too though.

So in order not to lose electrolytes that regulate our water balance: 

  • Don’t wait until thirsty to drink
  • Drink little and often throughout the day (keep topping up the sink)
  • Never start exercise or activity if already at all dehydrated

Hydration / Dehydration During Exercise: 

A good way to figure out how much fluid you need to replace when exercising is by weighing yourself before and after a session.
Weight loss = fluid loss
1kg = 1 litre

eg: to drink enough during an exercise session, ensure if you lose 1kg, you sip up to 1 litre of water throughout the session. 

  • For most recreational sports its recommended you take on 600-800mls per hour at regular intervals, then you rehydrate afterwards too, just as soon as you can.
  • Don’t wait until you are thirsty before, during or afterwards though, drink throughout. 
  • If your activity session lasts longer than an hour at a moderate to high intensity, you may want to start replacing those electrolytes as well as just the water too.  This can be done via sports drinks and formulas BUT a simple home made mix can also help:

MIX: 250mls fruit juice (unsweetened and not from concentrate!) with 250mls plain water and add a pinch (no more than ¼ teaspoon) of salt

Over Hydrating:

Last but not least now we know WHY we need to hydrate, HOW to hydrate and WHAT happens when we dehydrate, so lets also note HYPERHYDRATION.  Surprisingly, you can in fact drink too much water.  Too much water will dilute your bodies electrolytes and can lead to collapse or coma or even death.  This is however very rare.  It can happen to long distance runners for example who are losing electrolytes by sweating a lot over a long period of time, or those on extreme or long term detox regimes at risk of over exercising and/or excessive water consumption without replacement of salts and electrolytes too.

So that concludes our 2 part hydration low down.

Of course, as always, if you’d like more info:
To book a consultation:
And to find out more, share the knowledge and get involved:

**Please note recommended fluid intake for breastfeeding mothers and those on diuretics for example will differ**
**If you are of ill health, pregnant or a child under 16yrs, please be advised water consumption guidelines may differ**
**Please remember this is nutritional advice ONLY (as is all other information and advice contained in this blog and the websites and social media related to it) – none of the info or advice is intended to override any recommendation from your GP or health professional**